Hi all!
I must apologize for the long time since my last post. Between studying and work I have had little time for my hobbies. I'm now back at least for a little while and will be making more regular posts throughout the summer.
We are getting ready to start a dystopian wars campaign involving the Britannian Cape Colony. There will be representation from all three factions. A combined Italian and mercenary force will be attacking from the West attempting to recover a holy relic for the church. From the Eastern side of the Cape a combined French and Ottoman fleet will be attacking to reduce the Grand Coalitions hold on the African coast. The Grand Coalition fleet defending the Cape Colony is comprised of Britannian, Raj and Black Wolves ships.
For the campaign I have started working on modular port city. At the moment I plan to have 5 different pieces that can be combined into a number of different ways to create a unique city each time.
To start I bought a large 1 inch thick piece of foam board and sketched out the 5 modular pieces together. I worked to ensure the each one was the same length so that they could be rearranged in the future. Two of the pieces will be end pieces and one will be a corner piece. However, in the future I could easily make additional pieces further differentiate or specialize this port.
Base coated land with buildings laid out. |
Mud painted! |
Started painting on grass. |
More grass and cliff side painted. |
Roads added, cliffs drybrushed. |
Painting the bricks. Then going back and adding sandstone on the industrial buildings. |
Granite roofing painted. Constructed wall around church. Rock outcroppings added. |
Added trees, painted rock outcroppings and metal on buildings. |
Completed city module! |
Closer picture of the finished city module. |