Just a battle report of a skirmish between my Ottoman Fleet and my Brother-in-Laws Britannian Fleet. Our objective was to secure a crashed dirigible at the center of the board.
Ottoman Empire (OE) Fleet List
-Effendi Ender Bast
1 Sadrazam (Dawn Star) with Zuhaf Escort
2 Sinop Monitors
3 Fettah Cruisers
3 Arci
2 HEC Phoenician Airships
2 Vulkan Repair Ships
Kingdom of Britannia(KoB) Fleet List
-Commodore James Ponders
1 Ruler with Dominion Escort
1 Vengeance Submarine
3 Agincourt Gunships with Dominion Escort
1 Lord Hood Battlecruiser
5 Valiant Submarines
The game was played on a 4' x 4' board with 3 pieces of terrain.
Turn 1
KoB won initiative and activated the Vengeance. It advanced and fired on the Sadrazam. Luckily no damage was scored on the Dawn Star. I activate my Sadrazam and move to broadside the Vengeance. Poor rolls protect the Vengeance from sustaining any damage. The Sadrazam created a storm to block fire from the Valiants and Agincourts when they activate. A KoB Recon SAS is activated. My Phoenicians are activated and move along the edge of the board to fire on the Dominion escorting the Ruler. A critical is scored damaging its weapon systems. My opponents Lord Hood advanced on the Phoenicians and double crits it destroying the unprepared flyer. I activated my Sinops next and fired the bombards on the Vengeance and broadsides at the Lord Hood. The Bombards were unable to damage the Vengeance. The broadsides would have scored a solid critical on Lord Hood unfortunately my opponent rolled quite a few 6s for his shield roll and reduced the damage to nothing. KoB SAW attack the remaining Phoenician damaging it. My Fettahs have some pitiful dice rolls firing at the Agincourts and Valiant Submarines but activate a storm to cover them from fire from the Ruler. The Ruler and Dominion activate next and torpedoes a sinop causing a double crit and magazine explosion destroying it. The resulting explosion crits the other Sinop and destroys and entire friendly support air wing. Firing its turrets the ruler also manages to damage a Fettah. The Arci squadron horribly fails firing at the Ruler, I rolled eight 1s! The Agincourts move to fire on the Fettahs through the storm and manage to destroy the Fettah damaged by the Ruler. To end the turn the Vulkans fail to repair the damaged Sinop and the Valiants fail their attack on the Sadrazam. All the Ottoman ships pass their disorder tests and the Dominion repairs its weapon damage.
Turn 2
Unfortunately the KoB wins initiative again. My opponent activated his Ruler and Dominion and critically attack the Sadrazam damaging its engine. The ruler also managed to destroy an Arci and damage one of the two remaining Fettahs. On my turn I activate my Sadrazam and turn it so it can broadside the Ruler and Dominion. The Dominion sustains some some damage but Ruler manages to avoid damage due to some more poor rolls. The Zuhaf escort drops a mine in front of the Valiants which is then moved adjacent to the center valiant. At the end of the activation the mine arms and detonates destroy two valiants, damaging one and damaging the Zuhaf above. A KoB SAW attacks the lone Phoenician. The Fettahs swing around the Sadrazam and fire at the Dominion and Ruler. The Ruler doesn't sustain any damage but Dominion takes some damage. The Lord Hood continues to advance on the Sadrazam and fires at the Fettahs. One is double critted causing another magezine explosion and destroying it, the last Fettah is damaged. The Vulkans manage to repair the critical on the Sadrazam. The Agincourts fire through the storm at the Sadrazam and mange to score a hit. The escorting Dominion scores a hit on one of Vulkans. They also torpedo and destroy last Fettah. The Arci move to attack the Valiants but fail to cause any damage. The Vengeance target paints the Arci and fires its torpedoes at the Sadrazam. With some lucky rolls for CC the torpedo attack is mitigated. The Vengeance also captures the objective. The remaining squadron of Ottoman fighers attack the KoB torpedo bomber squadron destroying 4. The lone torpedo bomber attacks the Arci but is destroyed by AA. The Recon planes attack each other but fail to accomplish anything. The Valiants fail to AA the Zuhaf and fails to damage the Sadrazam.
At the end of the turn the KoB retained control of the objective and won the battle. The remnants of the Ottoman fleet slinked away under the cover of their storms. There will be some words spoken with the logistics master back at port. The weapon systems failed miserably and it is very possible that Effendi Bast has enemies in the Sublime Court.
Overall the Ottomans seemed perform well. Unfortunately numerous times when firing at enemy ships I rolled terribly and failed to cause damage which is where the idea of Effendi Bast having an enemy in Court. Hopefully next time my weapons won't be using wet powder.