Saturday, July 9, 2016

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Naval Group - Painted

I know it has been a while since my last post. Life has been unfortunately busy recently. With the release of the new Fleet Action fast play rules I have been able to play a little more frequently.

I also was able to snap some pictures of my completed Polish naval forces.

PLC Skimmer Fleet
Triglav Assault Carrier
Overhead shot of the Triglav. 
Underside of the Triglav Assault Carrier
Dazbog Pocket Battleship
Marowit Class Gunships
Podaga Class Cruisers
Baggiennik Heavy Frigates
All of the SAS tokens painted.
Closer shot of the fleet including the Triglav Assault Carrier, Marowit Gunships and a Baggiennik Heavy Frigate.
Closer shot of the other half of the fleet including the Dazbog Pocket Battleship, a Marowit Gunship, Podaga Cruisers and some Bagiennik Heavy Frigates.
I was really happy with how these all turned out. The scheme was a little bit different that my previous Dystopian Wars schemes. I tried to do more with sturginium glow and I am really pleased with the results. It is something that I will definitely be working with more on future projects.

Speaking of future projects, I am currently working on my recently purchased Danish fleet. I also recently decided to purchase a Chinese Federation Armored Battle Group and some Blazing Sun miniatures.


  1. Really nice job painting up the PLC models. Keep 'em coming :)

  2. Thank you good sir. I have painted a kingdom of Denmark fleet recently and need to get some pictures of that posted. Unfortunately, my Firestorm hobbies have been interfering. Thank you again!

  3. These look awesome, would love to feature some your work on my instagram account Dystopianwars

    1. That would be awesome. If possible it would just be nice to have a link to my blog. There haven't hasn't been any recent updates to this blog as I have consolidated my Dystopian Wars and other gaming blogs to one blog, . There will be some more recent dystopian wars fleets on there and I hope to get photos of some of my land forces up as well.

      Thank you again for the compliment and interest!

  4. These look awesome, would love to feature some your work on my instagram account Dystopianwars
